Saturday, January 29, 2011

So this is one of the things...

that I definitely was concerned about: having to stop taking any sort of aspirin or advil before the surgery. I have one of the nasty headaches this morning and cannot take anything for it. Well, tylenol, but that has never helped before . Guess I will give it a go, though.

Five days to go. Yesterday was my last Friday to keep Jackson by myself for what I must assume will be a couple months, at least. Probably more like 3, since I won't be able to drive until after I am out of the boot and have good ROM and strength in my ankle. It was a wonderful day! We grocery shopped, we ran around the house chasing each other, we baked a cake, we played frisbee in the yard with Reesie (he kept saying "Hi, deedee!"), we rolled around on the big exercise ball, we played trains, we sang, and we snuggled. It was glorious. I had a couple of moments when I got teary-eyed just thinking about how great it was. I showed him the crutches and walked around a little and he was not freaked out or anything, which was good.

We had the praise team over last night for calzones and rock band, which is something I have wanted to do for a while. It was a lot of fun and I think everyone enjoyed it. My knee and ankle were aching pretty good by the end of the evening, but I just kept thinking about how much I enjoyed having everyone over. I hope to do it again some time!

I keep thinking of goofy little things I need to do. Like get some sort of "back pack" that I can use in place of a purse while on crutches; like get at least one more set of pants that are large and stretchy and will fit over my splint and bandage and cast so we are not having to wash clothes every other day; and I know there are more things but I can't think of them right now. Obviously, I need a list!

So, here's to my last "active" weekend for a few weeks! The weather is supposed to be beautiful and I will indeed be driving with the top down!! Wahoo!

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