Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Less than a month to go

So, one month from now I will be on the way to recovery!

I officially began my month of preparations yesterday...well, Sunday, really....by cleaning out and re-organizing our kitchen closet (former pantry) and our bathroom linen closet. The later was kind of ridiculous in that I threw away old prescription and over-the-counter medications, some out of date by a decade! But that closet is CLEAN and organized now! We are still experiencing some trash overload from Christmas as well as the cleaning spree, so I will wait until next week to begin cleaning out the freezers and the fridge.

Doug is already asking about what he is going to do about food while I am unable to cook and such. So I guess I need to come up with a list of things he can easily prepare, and  then stock up on those ingredients. Also, make and freeze some things.

Work-wise, I think things are in pretty good shape. Kids' music is purchased and I am EXCITED about it! I need to schedule out a rehearsal and recording plan, and then I can make detailed plans for the video while recovering. Also I will probably be doing some video editing for the HP, so that will be FUN! Between Ben and John, leading during worship should be covered, and I may only miss a couple of Sundays, one of which the HP will be doing the music. Susie will lead the kids' choir rehearsals, and once I have made the rehearsal schedule, she will be good to go.

I am pretty sure I am in denial about not being able to drive myself at all for around 3 months. That will be crazy-making at times, I am sure. At least I will be able to be productive and sit up and such. Poor Eddie! He is having a rough time recovering form his retina surgery. Ugh.

Had a great time seeing old dance company friends last night and catching up. Fun memories!

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