Friday, February 4, 2011

It's done!

Right After surgery

Everything is good!

My view from my chair at home
So, after my last know, the one where I said I was all prepared and everything was taken care of? Well, that day (the day before surgery) the doc's office called right at 5:00pm to tell me that she had not been successful in securing approval of the surgery from my insurance. So my coveted "first thing in the morning" slot got moved back to 1:00 pm, and even then she did not now for sure that she would be able to get approval. I got all of this news literally minutes before heading out to dinner and to leading kids' and adult choirs in rehearsal. I was so upset! As soon as we got to church, though, our Pastor found us and prayed with us and I felt so much better. The evening's activities went well, after all.

since we did not need to get up at pre-dark-thirty, we stayed up until about midnight. Surprisingly, I was able to get some sleep. Doc's office called around 9 to say be in by 11! The big down side to the day was that I had a migraine all day and could take nothing for it. My nurse was finally going to see if she could get an order for some, but then they were ready to take me back and I was going to get lots of drugs any way... It really helped and meant a lot that Pastor Eddie and John, two of my co-workers came to visit and pray with us before surgery. Thanks so much, guys!!!

Surgery went well, reportedly. It was certainly faster than anticipated! He scoped the knee and removed some torn cartilage; scoped the ankle and the joint looked good; and then did the Brostrom (tightening the lateral ligaments in my ankle. Everyone there was really nice. I chatted with the folks in the operating room while they strapped me down to the table, and the last thing I remember was telling the anesthesiologist that it would be cool to watch, and then he said that sometimes people tried doing that (with a spinal instead of general anesthesia), but that they always wanted to be put to sleep. And then, there I went!

Unfortunately, the headache was still there when I woke up. I was nauseated all evening...every time a moved at all. But was able to time things out (thanks to Doug) where I think I kept the pain meds and anti-nausea meds down at least for a time. Then he set alarms and woke me at appropriate intervals all night to keep the dosage up.

This morning the ankle is throbbing pretty badly. I am not sure it was elevated enough during the night. Headache is pretty much gone, though, thank the Lord! But I have had coffee, oatmeal and OJ and got myself dressed! Now I think I will stretch out in this recliner and dose/watch some TV. What a way to take a vacation!!

Oh, and dear friends from our church brought dinner last night. Doug said it was great and maybe I will get some for lunch today.  :) We are so blessed with wonderful friends!!!

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